After two months of use according to the instructions, sexual function returned at a level reasonable enough to have sex. I enjoy an erection strong enough to have sex with my wife. Before that, I couldn’t have sex at all. At first, I took an erection pill that accompanies the use of the device according to the recommendation of the attending physician. After two months of use I did an experiment and completely stopped using the device and only took an erection pill.
Voila! I couldn’t have sex because the erection didn’t last after a minute of sex. That’s the proof I needed to understand that Vertica’s device saved my sex life. I understand that this is not a perfect long-term solution because I will always be dependent on the device, but on the other hand I am alive and well with sex and an improved relationship with my wife. It definitely meets the expectations, doubts and concerns I had before I started treatments with the device. Today I am grateful to all concerned. I of course recommend to all who are in doubt!