Meet Vertica®:
A safe, pain-free medical device to improve long-term erection quality from the comfort of your home.


Innovative technology that makes spontaneous, high-quality erections a reality. No pills, no pain, no awkward conversations. No wonder men are already raving about it..


improve yourself
hand up


Make performance a non-issue as you enjoy on demand erections whenever you want. When life is filled with pleasure, confidence, and healthy relationships, it’s only natural to feel ten feet tall.


Vertica® treats ED and improves long-term erection quality with RF technology. This revolutionary method gently warms penile tissue from within, improving the erectile mechanism to help you stay harder for longer.
And the best part? You can use this clinically-proven treatment at home, and on your own time, so you’ll always be ready to go when you want.




In an initial clinical study by the Unit for Neuro-Urology at the Rambam Medical Center, a higher than 85% success rate was achieved in improving the score of erectile function and strengthening of erection hardness in participants treated with the Vertica device.




I have been using Vertica device for about half a year now. After about a month and a half I was already starting to feel an improvement in the intensity of the erection and the length of time it lasts. In addition, I feel – my partner also claims to have felt it – that apart from this improvement my penis has grown a little and is thicker and longer than it was before I started using vertica.

On top of that I can hold a longer time without ejaculating, and really manage to control it.

M, 73 years old

After using the device for about 3 months I am really satisfied with the results. There is a real improvement in erection, and it surely meets my expectations. Although not everything is perfect and there are things I would like to improve – for example the function of “double-click” in operation is not very convenient for me and sometimes I prefer just not to use it – but I unquestionably recommend Vertica, and even recommended to my family members my age.

Y, 74 years old

I ordered the device on the website independently, and naturally when I purchased it, I was a little skeptical. After the first week of use I already started to feel a change, and my partner also said that there is an improvement. I also noticed that my morning erections are stronger.
The service of the company, when I asked for advice regarding the operation of the device, was also professional and fast.
I have only used Vertica for one month so far, 2-3 times a week, so I believe it is too early to know what the results will be over time but judging by the beginning I am very satisfied and optimistic.

N, 57 years old

After two months of use according to the instructions, sexual function returned at a level reasonable enough to have sex. I enjoy an erection strong enough to have sex with my wife. Before that, I couldn’t have sex at all. At first, I took an erection pill that accompanies the use of the device according to the recommendation of the attending physician. After two months of use I did an experiment and completely stopped using the device and only took an erection pill.

Voila! I couldn’t have sex because the erection didn’t last after a minute of sex. That’s the proof I needed to understand that Vertica’s device saved my sex life. I understand that this is not a perfect long-term solution because I will always be dependent on the device, but on the other hand I am alive and well with sex and an improved relationship with my wife. It definitely meets the expectations, doubts and concerns I had before I started treatments with the device. Today I am grateful to all concerned. I of course recommend to all who are in doubt!

A, 53 years old

I bought the device two months ago after a consultation with a urologist and some more time of deliberation.
Due to time constraints, I did not use it exactly according to the recommendations in terms of the number of treatments per week, but despite this I began to feel an improvement in the intensity of erections and more morning erections.
I must point out that the instructions were not always clear to me – how much gel to put, what level to use, when to move forward, is it possible to treat more than 3 times a week – but in a representative of the company (Doron) answered all my questions in one phone call.
Bottom line – the device may not be perfect, but it fully meets the test of the result.

A, 47 years old

Hi, I am a retired physician from ******* Hospital – my specialty is *******.

I have been using Vertica RF device and believe that it has made a substantial contribution in developing a very good erection. I am post-radiotherapy for ****** around 9 years ago.
Are you able to supply additional US gel for continued usage. I don’t want to buy a large quantity – but am prepared to acquire 2 bottles if possible.

With many thanks,
R***** ****** M.D.


*The parts marked with an asterisk are displayed in place of the original content to maintain customer privacy.

R, 81+ years old

I purchased the device after being told by my urologist that there is a weakening of the tissue that is responsible for “locking” the blood inside the penis when it is erect. I wanted to avoid using pills, because even though they worked well I felt – and so did my partner – that the spontaneity was a bit lost.
After using Vertica 3 times per week for 4 weeks, there was a significant improvement in sexual function. Morning erections returned, sometimes I even get an erection during treatment, and the penis also feels fuller.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

A, 29 years old

Before I started using Vertica I used pills for a few years, but unfortunately erections did not last long. During the second week of using Vertica I started feeling a significant improvement.

K, 56 years old

In the last few years, I have started to feel that my erection is not as strong as it used to be (my 20s are long gone). The pills were helping, but I had to increase the dose over time, so I was offered to try Vertica. After about a month and a half I started to feel an improvement that grows as time goes on. After two months I have already started to reduce the dose of the pills, and I hope that soon I will be able to stop taking them and restore the spontaneity as well.

M, 72 years old

This is an excellent solution for me, and I definitely prefer it over all those drugs and medications. The device looks good and it’s easy to use – I felt it was safe from the start. I adjusted the energy level and felt only a pleasant sensation. 

E, 40 years old


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Impotence and Erectile Dysfunction

Male Sexual Dysfunction disorders are disorders which damage the ability to have sexual intercourse. That is, they are not a single, specific medical situation, but are defined as a disorder in every stage in male sexual activity or in one of its components: in sexual desire/libido, in sexual excitation, erection, orgasm, and in the ejaculation of sperm.

In the past, it was acceptable to use the terms “impotence” and “sexual dysfunction disorders” interchangeably to describe the suite of the above problems related to each of the stages of sexual activity (including that of erection problems). However, today the term impotence is not medically used, due to the negative connotations it is likely to create. Within the same list of sexual dysfunction disorders, the term Erectile Dysfunction is described as a persisting problem in achieving an erection hard enough for penetration, as well as the inability in maintaining a normal erection for the duration of sexual intercourse. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world are estimated as suffering from a certain degree of erectile dysfunction, and surveys conducted worldwide have found that 30%-40% of men suffer from moderate to complete erectile dysfunction. The rule of thumb, which is supported by many research studies, states that the chance that a man will suffer from any degree of erectile dysfunction is equal, as a percentage, to his age. For example, the chance that a 55-year-old man will suffer from erectile dysfunction is around 55%, at age 70, 70% and so on.

As we get older, the natural physiological mechanisms get worn out. The treatment idea behind the Vertica device is to renew the tissues responsible for the erection mechanism using RF energy. With this, it will provide the millions of men worldwide who are suffering from organic problems of erectile function with a treatment device for use at home, privately, with no connection to the timing of the sexual act.
